If you are a carer please let our Receptionist know.
A Carer is anyone who, unpaid, looks after a friend or family member who can’t cope alone due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction.
Anyone can become a Carer. Carers come from all walks of life, all cultures and can be any age. Many people don’t recognise themselves as carers and are missing out on vital supports and services they may be eligible to.
The Network Partnership and Engagement Team are Pauline, Jade and Richard. Our Lead Practice contact is Pauline McIntosh.
Pauline can be contacted at (Email) [email protected]
South Lanarkshire Carer Network
65 Bothwell Road
Hamilton ML3 6DW
Telephone 01698 285163
To access a full range of services available to our Carer Community please select the link below
Pauline works with our practice, training, supporting and informing us how to best look after Carers.
South Lanarkshire Carers Network www.slcn.co.uk
Email:- [email protected]
Website:- www.slcn.co.uk
Like us on Facebook:- www.facebook.com/slcarers
Twitter:- @slcarers
Call the office on: 01698 285 163